Monday 17 May 2010

No photos!

The reason in there being no photos of our work up on the blog as of yet is because we couldnt get them up here in time for monday. I emailed a couple of people for photos and they didnt send through for some reason! and there was not enough time to get them before the monday deadline. Mae did take some pictures on a film camera but they didnt come out unfortunately but she has the negatives for proof that we did take pictures of our work in the gallery space. I was greatful that other students were helpful and willing to send us photos but we have to respect that others are busy doing their own work and cant keep trying to send us the photos as they have limited time themselves and as do we with our other modules so this was another stepping stone in things that can and have gone wrong! Irl learn my lesson for next time and remember my camera!!! well done girls anyway, we all did fab! louise

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